The Delmanor Difference
We have locations throughout the GTA. Contact us for a tour, lunch, or ask about a guest stay. You’ll find us very accommodating

Delmanor Glen Abbey (Oakville)
Delmanor Wynford (Don Mills, Toronto)
Delmanor Aurora (Aurora)
Delmanor Elgin Mills (Richmond Hill)
Delmanor Northtown (North York)
Delmanor West Village (Islington Village)
Delmanor Prince Edward (Etobicoke)
For people
who love life
and expect the best.


Delmanor Wynford residents are ringing in the new season with these gorgeous handmade floral door decorations!
#aplacetolivewell #delmanorwynford #springflowers

Showcasing a guest favourite from this month’s pub menu at Delmanor Glen Abbey: Crab Cakes & Berry Mandarin Salad! Carefully prepared and beautifully plated, this featured dish is light, refreshing, and satisfying—perfect for lunch!
#aplacetodinewell #delmanorglenabbey #retirementcommunityoakville

Kevin and Gloria from Virtual Tours of China led a Chinese Calligraphy Workshop with residents of Delmanor West Village! We practiced numbers 1-10, a few words, and “Canada” in Chinese characters. Swipe to see our work! 🖌
#aplacetolivewell #delmanorwestvillage #retirementhomesetobicoke #seniorapartments

🌸 Nowruz, meaning “New Day” in Persian, celebrates the first day of Spring and the Persian New Year! Delmanor Northtown marked the occasion with a special bus trip to a Persian restaurant and an enriching cultural lecture!
#aplacetolivewell #delmanornorthtown
